Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear ruin lives

I dont know if anyone else EVER pays attention to their local weather man, but for the past few days i have been bombarded by the weather. It's everywhere! They interrupt my regularly scheduled programming to show me a weather radar map that supposedly shows "the storm of the century" and what is on that radar???? i just stupid or isnt green rain?

Our local weather man is so absolutely moronic that I simply to tune in to laugh at his predictions, which are about as accurate as the horoscopes in People magazine. He is known as guessing Gary by everyone and he's not even got a degree in meteorology! How can you possibly get a position as a weatherman and not have a degree in decifering the weather pattern? All i can say is that for the past 2 days, keep in mind this storm wasnt supposed to hit until tomorrow, the town has been in a panic canceling programs, the grocery stores are packed w/ people buying eggs, bread, and water like it's the new millennium or something. I suppose it's b/c we've been hit by so many tornadoes that people get spooked when the word storm comes but i think it's a little foolish...who am i to judge.

But i will give these people credit...whenever a natural disaster arises...they're the people that will be prepared. I told one of the girls who was freaking out today during clinicals i was going to be smart about all this and when the sirens go off i'm driving to Walmart that way if it hits, i'm where the food is and i can eat it all for free. That's what people really ought to do...exploit Walmart for all it's got...or even Sam's club...they have industrial size boxes of goodies...which will probably last me longer to be honest.

But back to the matter at hand. Why does Guessing Gary ruin lives? Yesterday he called for clear skies, no rain, so I went for a walk. Halfway through my 5 mile walk through the countryside where there is no shelter from the rain, w/o an umbrella and no where near my car what happens? it rains. And i flash whoever happens to drive by b/c i'm wearing a white tshirt of Jakes w/ a hot pink sportsbra underneath it. Thanks for makin me look like a tramp there Gary. And today, i had plans to go out tonight to celebrate no more clinicals! And of course...the girls canceled on me b/c they were afraid Armageddon was happening tonight.
So thank you Gary, for ruining my night. You tend to do this often and I am getting tired of all this hullabaloo you feel the need to cause in order to make yourself look important. You arent God, you dont have a degree in meteorology, therefor you are incompetent when it comes to reading a simple weather radar. My 4 year old ADD nephew who has the attention span of a gnat could do a better job of telling me what my day is going to be like. So do us all a favor and relinquish your title to a more capable weatherperson. Thank you and goodnight. Jerk


  1. LOL!!!! You are so funny... hahahahaha. That was entertaining. Sorry Gary messed up your evening. I was smart and doused Roo's and I's cars in dishwashing liquid before the big storm. lol.

  2. Haha... I love your blog already. Damn weather man!
